Segmentation of nuclei#

To begin the workflow, start by detecting cell nuclei as individual objects. Cell nuclei in a fluorescence image are clearly brighter than the surrounding background so, many automated thresholding algorithms will successfully find the correct thresholding values. We will add several post-processing steps to make sure that the edges of the detected nuclei are smooth and that the small bright particles in the background are not mistakenly classified as nuclei.

PartSeg: ROI Mask Extraction parameters#

Here is a sample exercise that shows how setting the parameters allows you to find the nuclei. Assuming you have loaded the 2D test data into napari. You should also have the partseg plugin installed. To use it go to Plugins>Install/Uninstall Plugins>partseg and choose the ROI Mask Extraction option. A panel will appear on the right side of napari as shown below.

Pre-processing settings <- This heading does not appear on the screen but these parameters set up the pre-processing.#

  • Target layer name: nuclei (or the name of your choice)

  • In the dropdown below the Run button, select Threshold

  • Channel: the name of the image layer you are thresholding

  • Filter: Median

  • Median type: Layer (for 3D data, choose Stack)

  • Median radius: 2


Thresholding settings <- This heading does not appear on the screen but these parameters set up the thresholding.#

-Threshold: Otsu
-Apply mask: should be checked
-Histogram bins: 128


Post-processing settings <- This heading does not appear on the screen but these parameters set up the post-processing.#

-Fill holes: should be checked
-Maximum holes size (px): 100
-Smooth borders: Opening
-Smooth borders radius: 5
-Side by side connections: should be checked
-Minimum size: 400
-Use convex hull: 1


Once all the parameters are set you can choose to save them at the top of this panel. Then click run to see the effect of these settings. Of course, you can change them and re-run partseg to see how the parameters affect the segmentation.