Frequently Asked Questions#

We hope these questions will help you in your napari learning journey! If you need additional information or assistance, you can reach a human at

Who built this#

The napari cell segmentation learning course is a open source project of Chan Zuckerberg Intiative (“CZI”) in collaboration with premier Imaging Scientists from across the world. You can learn more about the project here.

Something’s not working in the lessons, how do I get help?#

Oh no! We’re sorry you’ve hit a snag. Check the napari Github issues, the Github page for an individual plugin (linked on the napari hub plugin page),, or reach out at

How can I provide feedback on the existing lessons?#

We welcome any and all feedback on this course. We strive to make these materials as approachable as possible. We encourage you to share your thoughts on these materials (e.g. accessibility, quality, and comprehensiveness, etc.). We intend these learning materials to be reproducible, and adaptable, much like napari itself. Otherwise, feel free to send an email to us at

I want to build a similar lesson for napari, who can I talk to?#

We’re so glad you’re interested in contributing to napari learning! We’d love to chat to better understand how we can support you. Please reach out to

How do I get started in napari?#

If you’re new to napari, welcome and don’t fret! napari will help you install and get viewing in no time. You may also be interested in our Getting Started documents and our hands on tutorial, Intro to napari Workshop which takes you through several basic tasks in napari and gives you a great foundation.

How do I get help with napari?#

napari is a community partner on the forum and all help and support requests should be posted on the forum with the tag napari. We look forward to interacting with you there.

Bug reports should be made on napari’s github issues using the bug report template. If you think something isn’t working, don’t hesitate to reach out - it is probably us and not you!

How do I get help with napari plugins?#

Plugin authors are encouraged to add links to their listing on the napari hub, showing users of their plugin where to find help.

If the plugin author has not indicated where to get help, the community is a great place to ask questions about napari and napari plugins.

I have a neat idea or question you didn’t answer here.#

Oh no, we didn’t answer your questions! Our apologies. We recommend you ask any community questions in github discussions for napari and/or the napari hub discussions - we value open source engagement and you never know who might have the right answer! Otherwise, you can reach a human at