Create a virtual environment and install napari#

Create a virtual environment#

  • We’ll now create a virtual environment and install napari into it. You can name your virtual environments anything you like. For this example, we’ll create a virtual environment called “napari-env”. However, outside of the environment’s name, the exact syntax needs to be followed. Just substitute your desired environment name for napari-env below and in subsequent steps.

    conda create -y -n *napari-env* -c conda-forge python=3.9

  • After hitting the enter key, the virtual environment is created with a specific Python version (3.9 in this case) installed into it. If you need a different version of Python, specify that version instead of 3.9.


For the purposes of this tutorial, it is not necessary to understand the nature of the syntax. It is critical, unless otherwise instructed, to copy the command syntax exactly as you see it here.

Activate virtual environment#

  • While the virtual environment napari-env has been created, it has not been activated yet. (base) is still indicated on the command line, as shown below:

Virtual environment syntax

  • Enter the following command on the command line to activate the virtual environment: conda activate napari-env

  • (napari-env) should now be indicated on the command line, as shown below:

Virtual environment syntax modified

Install napari#

  • To install napari into the activated environment, enter this command on the command line and hit enter:
    conda install -c conda-forge napari

  • This may take some time (a few minutes). If user input is be required to continue as dependencies are checked, the following will be displayed:

    Proceed ([y]/n)?

  • Type y, then enter, or simply hit enter.

  • This may take another few minutes to get all the requisite packages downloaded, extracted, and executed.

  • At this point, you will be returned to the prompt indicating the virtual environment you’ve just installed napari into. To launch napari, simply type the one word command below and hit enter:

  • In a few seconds, the napari viewer window should be displayed:

Launching the napari viewer for the first time

Note: The first time you launch napari may take longer than usual.

  • You have now successfully installed napari onto your machine!

Launching napari after installation session#

Now that you have installed napari, the procedure for launching it is:

  • Windows users enter

    anaconda prompt (miniconda3)
    in the search bar.

  • Mac users enter terminal.

  • Once you have the terminal or prompt window, enter
    conda activate napari-env
    on the command line to activate the virtual environment you created and installed napari into.

  • Enter napari on the command line to launch napari.