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This tutorial demonstrates basic use of the census_datasets data frame that contains metadata of the Census source datasets. This metadata can be joined to the cell metadata data frame (obs) via the column dataset_id.


  1. Fetching the datasets table.
  2. Fetching the expression data from a single dataset.
  3. Downloading the original source H5AD file of a dataset.

Fetching the datasets table

Each Census contains a top-level data frame itemizing the datasets contained therein. You can read this SOMADataFrame into an Arrow Table:

census <- open_soma()
census_datasets <- census$get("census_info")$get("datasets")$read()$concat()
#> Table
#> 812 rows x 10 columns
#> $soma_joinid <int64 not null>
#> $citation <large_string not null>
#> $collection_id <large_string not null>
#> $collection_name <large_string not null>
#> $collection_doi <large_string not null>
#> $dataset_id <large_string not null>
#> $dataset_version_id <large_string not null>
#> $dataset_title <large_string not null>
#> $dataset_h5ad_path <large_string not null>
#> $dataset_total_cell_count <int64 not null>

and then an R data frame:

census_datasets <-
print(census_datasets[, c(
#>                              dataset_id
#> 1  0895c838-e550-48a3-a777-dbcd35d30272
#> 2  00ff600e-6e2e-4d76-846f-0eec4f0ae417
#> 3  bdacc907-7c26-419f-8808-969eab3ca2e8
#> 4  a5d95a42-0137-496f-8a60-101e17f263c8
#> 5  d3566d6a-a455-4a15-980f-45eb29114cab
#> 6  de17ac25-550a-4018-be75-bbb485a0636e
#> 7  9f1049ac-f8b7-45ad-8e31-6e96c3e5058f
#> 8  703f00e6-b996-48e5-bc34-00c41b9876f4
#> 9  e347396c-a7ff-4691-9f7a-99a43555ca18
#> 10 524e045e-e74c-4e00-9884-d5c3bef3d862
#> 11 a49d9109-1d0c-4b36-8139-19aa9a83428c
#> 12 0c9a8cfb-6649-4d52-b418-6d8e56bd7afe
#> 13 06b91002-4d3d-4d2e-8484-20c3b31e232c
#> 14 4993d61c-1d04-4630-9c61-8d9431f39adc
#> 15 b94e3bdf-a385-49cc-b312-7a63cc28b77a
#> 16 df287f8d-f50d-4620-ab96-489d559e6adc
#> 17 eec804b9-2ae5-44f0-a1b5-d721e21257de
#> 18 f9ad5649-f372-43e1-a3a8-423383e5a8a2
#> 19 a810e511-c18b-4b2a-8fdf-98a6a0d433a7
#> 20 ea426edb-4e86-4c53-ab17-5b952d94a31e
#> 21 04d87de6-c20a-4186-8884-f47dba20b0a4
#> 22 b25f3834-69b3-4d87-a272-3938432d1f30
#> 23 94423ec1-21f8-40e8-b5c9-c3ea82350ca4
#> 24 2f6a20f1-173d-4b8d-860b-c47ffea120fa
#> 25 da684768-fb01-455b-9f0f-b63a3e2f844f
#> 26 a65bcc2d-4243-44c1-a262-ab7dcddfcf86
#> 27 75a881cf-5d88-46e2-bf9b-97e5cbc1bd56
#> 28 0c86f0de-ddcb-454c-b00b-37feb69e7da1
#> 29 9f049476-2431-4645-a2d6-f6e85892b603
#> 30 0380ddce-c31b-422a-88fe-34a1945bd949
#> 31 1009f384-b12d-448e-ba9f-1b7d2ecfbb4e
#> 32 3b6ed41e-10a1-47dd-b995-8cde7d041fd6
#> 33 e763ed0d-0e5a-4b8e-9514-6da3d9e47956
#> 34 d95ab381-2b7c-4885-b168-0097ed4e397f
#> 35 b3a5a10f-b1cb-4e8e-abce-bf345448625b
#> 36 e5f5d954-cf0e-4bd8-9346-8d1ddf15a08b
#> 37 62de80d7-e6c4-4ff0-ad4c-d3d36f57cb93
#> 38 9cfee1e6-b24f-433d-a269-f01841655d6a
#> 39 4269074c-f2c1-4d88-b2c3-0946f59d5449
#> 40 7d98cc44-b090-4dc8-804f-2750c84fe9d7
#> 41 c3d381b2-3104-444e-8ad5-d3524407bbb6
#> 42 66d15835-5dc8-4e96-b0eb-f48971cb65e8
#> 43 8a554710-08bc-4005-87cd-da9675bdc2e7
#> 44 ce009dc1-ac57-4386-b72f-5c575701c253
#> 45 dbf0bd35-87f8-4b25-bc90-a3c54f379907
#> 46 6de332e1-465e-4243-9412-6fdc7497e99d
#> 47 faed4f71-6b50-4fc7-bd1c-8f385dccfdce
#> 48 c8f83821-a242-4ed7-86e9-7da077f5d348
#> 49 731e6380-879f-4b0b-9a1f-2150208852ef
#> 50 774c18c5-efa1-4dc5-9e5e-2c824bab2e34
#> 51 ea786a06-5855-48b7-80d7-0313a21a2044
#> 52 524179b0-b406-4723-9c46-293ffa77ca81
#> 53 cbd62079-bed8-4aa1-9659-670f9cb51f9d
#> 54 3e87b1fa-472a-401c-8fa8-f31c10437d5f
#> 55 f16f4108-7873-4035-9989-3748da1a7ff1
#> 56 58679288-9ecc-4647-9781-12a3a8f8c6fd
#> 57 cdefb878-7f00-4b9d-9eda-b3652cfac0c8
#> 58 1492eb6b-7d50-4c4d-94ac-c801a7d5555c
#> 59 bdf69f8d-5a96-4d6f-a9f5-9ee0e33597b7
#> 60 ee195b7d-184d-4dfa-9b1c-51a7e601ac11
#> 61 9b188f26-c8e1-4a78-af15-622a35a371fc
#> 62 f6dafdd1-d746-407e-8019-4470e02d4cbd
#> 63 24066994-8183-488d-b037-ef6bb524af39
#> 64 84242d25-f656-4ca6-8e8d-f3d2beeba11f
#> 65 8f1bc86b-7976-4826-8602-f5266160ad86
#> 66 2fc9c59f-3cfd-48d9-9b23-e369ea31bff3
#> 67 470565f2-5afc-456a-b617-18e4496c04fd
#> 68 4c6f9f26-5470-455b-8933-c408232fbf56
#> 69 b07e5164-baf6-43d2-bdba-5a249d0da879
#> 70 bf176af2-4432-4391-9b35-e21bd86ca4f8
#> 71 7b3368a5-c1a0-4973-9e75-d95b4150c7da
#> 72 f75f2ff4-2884-4c2d-b375-70de37a34507
#> 73 2ecc72f8-085f-4e86-8692-771f316c54f6
#> 74 cec9f9a5-8832-437d-99af-fb8237cde54b
#> 75 de4e7a0c-91b2-44e4-b382-87da74c9efb6
#> 76 20d87640-4be8-487f-93d4-dce38378d00f
#> 77 81e91ff8-f619-4ad1-a0c3-b45e1dc63f68
#> 78 03d5794d-cde9-4769-a1a9-b3899d2b1d87
#> 79 e2529f66-d051-4670-b34a-7dca4e474f9f
#> 80 dc30c3ec-46d6-4cd8-8ec1-b544a3d0f503
#> 81 389b1fd4-2b65-4f60-baba-feeb17507665
#> 82 cd77258f-b08b-4c89-b93f-6e6f146b1a4d
#> 83 04b0eb97-d816-44bb-93a5-8b2968791aa0
#> 84 51f476f7-b24d-42f3-8871-7dab3fa35e96
#> 85 6dafb698-7a53-4699-ad13-1b5e2c164be7
#>                                                                                                                           dataset_title
#> 1                                                                                                          Healthy human liver: B cells
#> 2                                                                                                  Human tonsil nonlymphoid cells scRNA
#> 3                             Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: SFG microglia
#> 4                                                                                                      Steady-state B cells - scRNA-seq
#> 5                                                                                      blood and bone marrow from a healthy young donor
#> 6                                                                                                            Myeloid cells of human eye
#> 7                              Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: EC microglia
#> 8                                                                                                                                   PNS
#> 9                                                                                 Stellate cells from human healthy donor liver samples
#> 10                                                                                          Healthy human liver: hepatic stellate cells
#> 11                                                                                                     Healthy human liver: lymphocytes
#> 12                                                                                Cholangiocytes from human healthy donor liver samples
#> 13                            Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: EC astrocytes
#> 14                                                                                       B cells from human healthy donor liver samples
#> 15                           Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: SFG astrocytes
#> 16             Urethral luminal epithelia are castration-insensitive cells of the proximal prostate - Human Fibromuscular Stromal Cells
#> 17                                                                           74 years old female - Airway Wash (5 days post-intubation)
#> 18                       Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: EC oligodendrocyte
#> 19             Urethral luminal epithelia are castration-insensitive cells of the proximal prostate - Mouse Fibromuscular Stromal Cells
#> 20                      A Cellular Anatomy of the Normal Adult Human Prostate and Prostatic Urethra - Human Fibromuscular Stromal Cells
#> 21                                                         A single-cell and spatially-resolved atlas of human breast cancers - B_cells
#> 22                                                                            82 years old female - Airway Wash (1 day post-intubation)
#> 23                                                                                                                UMAP of Myeloid cells
#> 24                                                                            Horizontal cells of the human fovea and peripheral retina
#> 25                                                                                         UMAP visualization of fibroblast subclusters
#> 26                                                                           74 years old female - Airway Wash (7 days post-intubation)
#> 27                    Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: EC inhibitory neurons
#> 28                                                    A single-cell and spatially-resolved atlas of human breast cancers - Plasmablasts
#> 29                                                                                                  Healthy human liver: cholangiocytes
#> 30                                          Aorta <U+2014> A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse
#> 31                                                                                     Neuronal <U+2014> Cells of the adult human heart
#> 32                                                                                                     Healthy human liver: macrophages
#> 33                           Platelet sub_clusters of COVID-19 Immune Altas: Integration of 5 public COVID-19 PBMC single-cell datasets
#> 34                                                                                                              Cone cells of human eye
#> 35                                                                                                       15 leukemic bone marrow donors
#> 36                                                                             49 years old male - Airway Wash (3 days post-intubation)
#> 37                                                                           66 years old female - Airway Wash (4 days post-intubation)
#> 38                                                                                        Retinal pigment epithelial cells of human eye
#> 39                                            Spatiotemporal analysis of human intestinal development at single-cell resolution: Immune
#> 40                                                                              49 years old male - Airway Wash (1 day post-intubation)
#> 41                                                                                                        Horizontal cells of human eye
#> 42       Single cell transcriptome analysis of human pancreas reveals transcriptional signatures of aging and somatic mutation patterns
#> 43                                                                            82 years old female - Fresh PBMCs (1 day post-intubation)
#> 44                                                                           74 years old female - Airway Wash (6 days post-intubation)
#> 45                                                                           66 years old female - Airway Wash (3 days post-intubation)
#> 46                                                                                                           e12.5 thalamic progenitors
#> 47                                                                                                            UMAP of Endothelial cells
#> 48                                                                                                            white matter - astrocytes
#> 49                                                                           74 years old female - Airway Wash (8 days post-intubation)
#> 50                                                                                     Infiltrating Neoplastic Cells Human Glioblastoma
#> 51                                                                           66 years old female - Fresh PBMCs (3 days post-intubation)
#> 52                                   Kidney - A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse - Smart-seq2
#> 53                                      Diaphragm <U+2014> A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse
#> 54                                                                        Endothelial - MTG: Seattle Alzheimer's Disease Atlas (SEA-AD)
#> 55                                                                                    Supercluster: Committed oligodendrocyte precursor
#> 56                    Spatiotemporal analysis of human intestinal development at single-cell resolution: Myofibroblasts and Mesothelium
#> 57                                                                                                                               Cilium
#> 58                   Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: SFG inhibitory neurons
#> 59                                                                                                 DCM/ACM heart cell atlas: Adipocytes
#> 60                                                                                                                       Adult duodenum
#> 61                                                                                                            UMAP of Fibroblasts cells
#> 62                                                                                                                              B cells
#> 63                      Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: SFG oligodendrocyte
#> 64                                                                                                             white matter - microglia
#> 65                           Brown adipose tissue <U+2014> A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse
#> 66                                                                                             Mature kidney dataset: non PT parenchyma
#> 67                                                                                         Dissection: Midbrain (RN) - Red Nucleus - RN
#> 68 chRCC - Single-cell analyses of renal cell cancers reveal insights into tumor microenvironment, cell of origin, and therapy response
#> 69                                                                              A Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Human Pancreas
#> 70                                                                              Healthy human liver: liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
#> 71                                                                                                                              B cells
#> 72                                                                                   Adipocytes <U+2014> Cells of the adult human heart
#> 73                                                                      Endothelial - DLPFC: Seattle Alzheimer's Disease Atlas (SEA-AD)
#> 74                                                                                                  Retinal ganglion cells of human eye
#> 75                          Large intestine - A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse - Smart-seq2
#> 76                                                                                                        Mature kidney dataset: immune
#> 77                                                                          Sst Chodl - MTG: Seattle Alzheimer's Disease Atlas (SEA-AD)
#> 78                                                                                                     UMAP of Plasma and B-Cells cells
#> 79                                                             A Single-Cell Atlas of Mouse White Adipose Tissue - Mouse vascular cells
#> 80                                                                                                               Oligodendrocytes in MS
#> 81                                                                                                                          vasculature
#> 82                    Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer<U+2019>s Disease: EC excitatory neurons
#> 83                                         Spatiotemporal analysis of human intestinal development at single-cell resolution: Pericytes
#> 84                                                                           74 years old female - Airway Wash (4 days post-intubation)
#> 85                                                                                                              Supercluster: Ependymal
#>    dataset_total_cell_count
#> 1                       146
#> 2                       363
#> 3                      3799
#> 4                      1324
#> 5                     15502
#> 6                       395
#> 7                      5572
#> 8                       649
#> 9                      1417
#> 10                     1374
#> 11                     2346
#> 12                     1011
#> 13                     5500
#> 14                     1250
#> 15                     5970
#> 16                     1295
#> 17                     1324
#> 18                     8168
#> 19                     1647
#> 20                     2113
#> 21                     3206
#> 22                     1074
#> 23                     3282
#> 24                     2868
#> 25                     2303
#> 26                      810
#> 27                     5331
#> 28                     3524
#> 29                     1861
#> 30                      906
#> 31                     3961
#> 32                     3977
#> 33                     7274
#> 34                     1378
#> 35                    31586
#> 36                     2487
#> 37                     2598
#> 38                     1635
#> 39                     2199
#> 40                     2489
#> 41                     1875
#> 42                     2544
#> 43                     4232
#> 44                     2834
#> 45                     3434
#> 46                     1789
#> 47                     3951
#> 48                     3596
#> 49                     2065
#> 50                     3589
#> 51                     4792
#> 52                     1833
#> 53                     1858
#> 54                     1973
#> 55                     4720
#> 56                     2833
#> 57                     1641
#> 58                     7506
#> 59                     2576
#> 60                     5200
#> 61                     5754
#> 62                     3699
#> 63                    15772
#> 64                     3851
#> 65                     2223
#> 66                     4620
#> 67                     4714
#> 68                     2576
#> 69                     2126
#> 70                     6289
#> 71                     4138
#> 72                     3799
#> 73                     2496
#> 74                     1777
#> 75                     1887
#> 76                     7803
#> 77                     1310
#> 78                     9015
#> 79                     7632
#> 80                    17799
#> 81                      959
#> 82                     8362
#> 83                     4163
#> 84                     4147
#> 85                     5882
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 727 rows ]

The sum of cell counts across all datasets should match the number of cells across all SOMA experiments (human, mouse).

census_data <- census$get("census_data")
all_experiments <- lapply(census_data$to_list(), function(x) census_data$get(x$name))
#> $homo_sapiens
#> <SOMAExperiment>
#>   uri: s3://cellxgene-census-public-us-west-2/cell-census/2024-07-01/soma/census_data/homo_sapiens 
#>   arrays: obs* 
#>   groups: ms* 
#> $mus_musculus
#> <SOMAExperiment>
#>   uri: s3://cellxgene-census-public-us-west-2/cell-census/2024-07-01/soma/census_data/mus_musculus 
#>   arrays: obs* 
#>   groups: ms*
experiments_total_cells <- sum(sapply(all_experiments, function(x) {
  nrow(x$obs$read(column_names = c("soma_joinid"))$concat())

print(paste("Found", experiments_total_cells, "cells in all experiments."))
#> [1] "Found 115556140 cells in all experiments."
  "Found", sum(as.vector(census_datasets$dataset_total_cell_count)),
  "cells in all datasets."
#> [1] "Found 115556140 cells in all datasets."

Fetching the expression data from a single dataset

Let’s pick one dataset to slice out of the census, and turn into a Seurat in-memory object. (This requires the Seurat package to have been installed beforehand.)

census_datasets[census_datasets$dataset_id == "0bd1a1de-3aee-40e0-b2ec-86c7a30c7149", ]
#>     soma_joinid
#> 514         513
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          citation
#> 514 Publication: Dataset Version: curated and distributed by CZ CELLxGENE Discover in Collection:
#>                            collection_id    collection_name            collection_doi
#> 514 0b9d8a04-bb9d-44da-aa27-705bb65b54eb Tabula Muris Senis 10.1038/s41586-020-2496-1
#>                               dataset_id                   dataset_version_id
#> 514 0bd1a1de-3aee-40e0-b2ec-86c7a30c7149 64d581c0-2683-44f4-b65b-019e679a33e8
#>                                                                                        dataset_title
#> 514 Bone marrow - A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse - 10x
#>                             dataset_h5ad_path dataset_total_cell_count
#> 514 0bd1a1de-3aee-40e0-b2ec-86c7a30c7149.h5ad                    40220

Create a query on the mouse experiment, “RNA” measurement, for the dataset_id.

obs_query <- SOMAAxisQuery$new(
  value_filter = "dataset_id == '0bd1a1de-3aee-40e0-b2ec-86c7a30c7149'"
expt_query <- census_data$get("mus_musculus")$axis_query(
  measurement_name = "RNA",
  obs_query = obs_query
dataset_seurat <- expt_query$to_seurat(c(counts = "raw"))
#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 52437 features across 40220 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (52437 features, 0 variable features)
#>  2 layers present: counts, data

Downloading the original source H5AD file of a dataset

You can use the cellxgene.census::get_source_h5ad_uri() API to fetch a URI pointing to the H5AD associated with this dataset_id. This is the same H5AD you can download from CZ CELLxGENE Discover, and may contain additional data-submitter provided information which was not included in the Census.

To do this you can fetch the location in the cloud or directly download to your system.

# Option 1: Direct download
  dataset_id = "0bd1a1de-3aee-40e0-b2ec-86c7a30c7149",
  file = "/tmp/Tabula_Muris_Senis-bone_marrow.h5ad",
  overwrite = TRUE
# Option 2: Get location and download via preferred method
#> $uri
#> [1] "s3://cellxgene-census-public-us-west-2/cell-census/2024-07-01/h5ads/0bd1a1de-3aee-40e0-b2ec-86c7a30c7149.h5ad"
#> $s3_region
#> [1] "us-west-2"

The local H5AD file can be used in R using SeuratDisk’s anndata converter.

Close the census

After use, the census object should be closed to release memory and other resources.


This also closes all SOMA objects accessed via the top-level census. Closing can be automated using on.exit(census$close(), add = TRUE) immediately after census <- open_soma().