Computing on X using online (incremental) algorithms

This tutorial showcases computing a variety of per-gene and per-cell statistics for a user-defined query using out-of-core operations.

NOTE: when query results are small enough to fit in memory, it may be easier to use the SOMAExperiment Query class to extract an AnnData, and then just compute over that. This tutorial shows means of incrementally processing larger-than-core (RAM) data, where incremental (online) algorithms are used.


  1. Incremental count and mean calculation.

  2. Incremental variance calculation.

  3. Counting cells per gene, grouped by dataset_id.

⚠️ Note that the Census RNA data includes duplicate cells present across multiple datasets. Duplicate cells can be filtered in or out using the cell metadata variable is_primary_data which is described in the Census schema.

import cellxgene_census
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tiledbsoma as soma
from tiledbsoma.experiment_query import X_as_series

Incremental count and mean calculation.

Many statistics, such as mean, are easy to calculate incrementally. This cell demonstrates a query on the X['raw'] sparse nD array, which will return results in batches. Accumulate the sum and count incrementally, into raw_sum and raw_n, and then compute mean.

First define a query - in this case a slice over the obs axis for cells with a specific tissue & sex value, and all genes on the var axis. The query.X() method returns an iterator of results, each as a PyArrow Table. Each table will contain the sparse X data and obs/var coordinates, using standard SOMA names:

  • soma_data - the X value (float32)

  • soma_dim_0 - the obs coordinate (int64)

  • soma_dim_1 - the var coordinate (int64)

Important: the X matrices are joined to var/obs axis DataFrames by an integer join “id” (aka soma_joinid). They are NOT positionally indexed, and any given cell or gene may have a soma_joinid of any value (e.g., a large integer). In other words, for any given X value, the soma_dim_0 corresponds to the soma_joinid in the obs dataframe, and the soma_dim_1 coordinate corresponds to the soma_joinid in the var dataframe.

For convenience, the query package contains a utility function to simplify operations on query slices. query.indexer returns an indexer that can be used to wrap the output of query.X(), converting from soma_joinids to positional indexing. Positions are [0, N), where N are the number of results on the query for any given axis (equivalent to the Pandas .iloc of the axis dataframe).

Key points:

  • it is expensive to query and read the results - so rather than make multiple passes over the data, read it once and perform multiple computations.

  • by default, data in the census is indexed by soma_joinid and not positionally. Use query.indexer if you want positions.

with cellxgene_census.open_soma() as census:
    mouse = census["census_data"]["mus_musculus"]
    with mouse.axis_query(
        obs_query=soma.AxisQuery(value_filter="tissue=='brain' and sex=='male' and is_primary_data==True"),
    ) as query:
        var_df = query.var().concat().to_pandas().set_index("soma_joinid")
        n_vars = len(var_df)

        raw_n = np.zeros((n_vars,), dtype=np.int64)  # accumulate number of non-zero X values
        raw_sum = np.zeros((n_vars,), dtype=np.float64)  # accumulate the sum of expression

        # query.X() returns an iterator of pyarrow.Table, with X data in COO format.
        # You can request an indexer from the query that will map it to positional indices
        indexer = query.indexer
        for arrow_tbl in query.X("raw").tables():
            var_dim = indexer.by_var(arrow_tbl["soma_dim_1"])
            data = arrow_tbl["soma_data"]
  , var_dim, 1)
  , var_dim, data)

    with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
        raw_mean = raw_sum / query.n_obs
    raw_mean[np.isnan(raw_mean)] = 0

    var_df = var_df.assign(raw_n=pd.Series(data=raw_n, index=var_df.index))
    var_df = var_df.assign(raw_mean=pd.Series(data=raw_mean, index=var_df.index))

The "stable" release is currently 2023-07-25. Specify 'census_version="2023-07-25"' in future calls to open_soma() to ensure data consistency.
feature_id feature_name feature_length raw_n raw_mean
0 ENSMUSG00000051951 Xkr4 6094 202 1.032743
1 ENSMUSG00000089699 Gm1992 250 0 0.000000
2 ENSMUSG00000102343 Gm37381 1364 0 0.000000
3 ENSMUSG00000025900 Rp1 12311 106 0.236265
4 ENSMUSG00000025902 Sox17 4772 3259 48.991975
... ... ... ... ... ...
52387 ENSMUSG00000081591 Btf3-ps9 496 0 0.000000
52388 ENSMUSG00000118710 mmu-mir-467a-3_ENSMUSG00000118710 83 0 0.000000
52389 ENSMUSG00000119584 Rn18s 1849 0 0.000000
52390 ENSMUSG00000118538 Gm18218 970 0 0.000000
52391 ENSMUSG00000084217 Setd9-ps 670 0 0.000000

52392 rows × 5 columns

Incremental variance calculation

Other statistics are not as simple when implemented as an online algorithm. This cell demonstrates an implementation of an online computation of variance, using Welford’s online calculation of mean and variance.

import numba
import numpy.typing as npt

class OnlineMatrixMeanVariance:
    n_samples: int
    n_variables: int

    def __init__(self, n_samples: int, n_variables: int):
        """Compute mean and variance for n_variables over n_samples, encoded
        in a COO format. Equivalent to:
            numpy.mean(data, axis=0)
            numpy.var(data, axix=0)
        where the input `data` is of shape (n_samples, n_variables)
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.n_variables = n_variables

        self.n_a = np.zeros((n_variables,), dtype=np.int32)
        self.u_a = np.zeros((n_variables,), dtype=np.float64)
        self.M2_a = np.zeros((n_variables,), dtype=np.float64)

    def update(self, coord_vec: npt.NDArray[np.int64], value_vec: npt.NDArray[np.float32]) -> None:
        _mean_variance_update(coord_vec, value_vec, self.n_a, self.u_a, self.M2_a)

    def finalize(self) -> tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]]:
        """Returns tuple containing mean and variance"""
        u, M2 = _mean_variance_finalize(self.n_samples, self.n_a, self.u_a, self.M2_a)

        # compute sample variance
        var = M2 / max(1, (self.n_samples - 1))

        return u, var

def _mean_variance_update(
    col_arr: npt.NDArray[np.int64],
    val_arr: npt.NDArray[np.float32],
    n: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    u: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
    M2: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
    """Incrementally accumulate mean and sum of square of distance from mean using
    Welford's online method.
    for col, val in zip(col_arr, val_arr):
        u_prev = u[col]
        M2_prev = M2[col]
        n[col] += 1
        u[col] = u_prev + (val - u_prev) / n[col]
        M2[col] = M2_prev + (val - u_prev) * (val - u[col])

def _mean_variance_finalize(
    n_samples: int,
    n_a: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    u_a: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
    M2_a: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
    """Finalize incremental values, acconting for missing elements (due to sparse input).
    Non-sparse and sparse combined using Chan's parallel adaptation of Welford's.
    The code assumes the sparse elements are all zero and ignores those terms.
    n_b = n_samples - n_a
    delta = -u_a  # assumes u_b == 0
    u = (n_a * u_a) / n_samples
    M2 = M2_a + delta**2 * n_a * n_b / n_samples  # assumes M2_b == 0
    return u, M2

with cellxgene_census.open_soma() as census:
    mouse = census["census_data"]["mus_musculus"]
    with mouse.axis_query(
        obs_query=soma.AxisQuery(value_filter="tissue=='brain' and sex=='male' and is_primary_data==True"),
    ) as query:
        var_df = query.var().concat().to_pandas().set_index("soma_joinid")
        n_vars = len(var_df)

        indexer = query.indexer
        mvn = OnlineMatrixMeanVariance(query.n_obs, n_vars)
        for arrow_tbl in query.X("raw").tables():
            var_dim = indexer.by_var(arrow_tbl["soma_dim_1"])
            data = arrow_tbl["soma_data"].to_numpy()
            mvn.update(var_dim, data)

        u, v = mvn.finalize()

    var_df = var_df.assign(raw_mean=pd.Series(data=u, index=var_df.index))
    var_df = var_df.assign(raw_variance=pd.Series(data=v, index=var_df.index))

The "stable" release is currently 2023-07-25. Specify 'census_version="2023-07-25"' in future calls to open_soma() to ensure data consistency.
feature_id feature_name feature_length raw_mean raw_variance
0 ENSMUSG00000051951 Xkr4 6094 1.032743 848.312801
1 ENSMUSG00000089699 Gm1992 250 0.000000 0.000000
2 ENSMUSG00000102343 Gm37381 1364 0.000000 0.000000
3 ENSMUSG00000025900 Rp1 12311 0.236265 169.182975
4 ENSMUSG00000025902 Sox17 4772 48.991975 279575.656207
... ... ... ... ... ...
52387 ENSMUSG00000081591 Btf3-ps9 496 0.000000 0.000000
52388 ENSMUSG00000118710 mmu-mir-467a-3_ENSMUSG00000118710 83 0.000000 0.000000
52389 ENSMUSG00000119584 Rn18s 1849 0.000000 0.000000
52390 ENSMUSG00000118538 Gm18218 970 0.000000 0.000000
52391 ENSMUSG00000084217 Setd9-ps 670 0.000000 0.000000

52392 rows × 5 columns

Counting cells per gene, grouped by dataset_id

This example demonstrates a more complex example where the goal is to count the number of cells per gene, grouped by cell dataset_id. The result is a Pandas DataFrame indexed by obs.dataset_id and var.feature_id, containing the number of cells per pair.

This example does not use positional indexing, but rather demonstrates the use of Pandas DataFrame join to join on the soma_joinid. For the sake of this example we will query only 4 genes, but this can be expanded to all genes.

with cellxgene_census.open_soma() as census:
    mouse = census["census_data"]["mus_musculus"]

    with mouse.axis_query(
        var_query=soma.AxisQuery(value_filter="feature_name in ['Malat1', 'Ptprd', 'Dlg2', 'Pcdh9']"),
    ) as query:
        obs_df = query.obs(column_names=["soma_joinid", "dataset_id"]).concat().to_pandas().set_index("soma_joinid")
        var_df = query.var().concat().to_pandas().set_index("soma_joinid")
        n_cells_by_dataset = pd.Series(
                (var_df.index, obs_df.dataset_id.unique()),
                names=["soma_joinid", "dataset_id"],

        for X_tbl in query.X("raw").tables():
            # Group by dataset_id and count unique (genes, dataset_id)
            value_counts = (
                .join(obs_df[["dataset_id"]], on="soma_dim_0")

    # drop any combinations that are not observed
    n_cells_by_dataset = n_cells_by_dataset[n_cells_by_dataset > 0]

    # and join with var_df to pick up feature_id and feature_name
    n_cells_by_dataset = (
        .join(var_df[["feature_id", "feature_name"]])
        .set_index(["dataset_id", "feature_id"])

The "stable" release is currently 2023-07-25. Specify 'census_version="2023-07-25"' in future calls to open_soma() to ensure data consistency.
n_cells feature_name
dataset_id feature_id
3bbb6cf9-72b9-41be-b568-656de6eb18b5 ENSMUSG00000028399 79578 Ptprd
58b01044-c5e5-4b0f-8a2d-6ebf951e01ff ENSMUSG00000028399 474 Ptprd
3bbb6cf9-72b9-41be-b568-656de6eb18b5 ENSMUSG00000052572 79513 Dlg2
58b01044-c5e5-4b0f-8a2d-6ebf951e01ff ENSMUSG00000052572 81 Dlg2
98e5ea9f-16d6-47ec-a529-686e76515e39 ENSMUSG00000052572 908 Dlg2
66ff82b4-9380-469c-bc4b-cfa08eacd325 ENSMUSG00000052572 856 Dlg2
c08f8441-4a10-4748-872a-e70c0bcccdba ENSMUSG00000052572 52 Dlg2
3bbb6cf9-72b9-41be-b568-656de6eb18b5 ENSMUSG00000055421 79476 Pcdh9
58b01044-c5e5-4b0f-8a2d-6ebf951e01ff ENSMUSG00000055421 125 Pcdh9
98e5ea9f-16d6-47ec-a529-686e76515e39 ENSMUSG00000055421 3027 Pcdh9
66ff82b4-9380-469c-bc4b-cfa08eacd325 ENSMUSG00000055421 2910 Pcdh9
c08f8441-4a10-4748-872a-e70c0bcccdba ENSMUSG00000055421 117 Pcdh9
3bbb6cf9-72b9-41be-b568-656de6eb18b5 ENSMUSG00000092341 79667 Malat1
58b01044-c5e5-4b0f-8a2d-6ebf951e01ff ENSMUSG00000092341 12622 Malat1
98e5ea9f-16d6-47ec-a529-686e76515e39 ENSMUSG00000092341 20094 Malat1
66ff82b4-9380-469c-bc4b-cfa08eacd325 ENSMUSG00000092341 7102 Malat1
c08f8441-4a10-4748-872a-e70c0bcccdba ENSMUSG00000092341 12992 Malat1