Most fogg commands can be invoked with a -h or –help to get detailed help.
To view a list of the available commands at any time, just run fogg with no arguments:
$ fogg
fogg [command]
Available Commands:
apply Apply model defined in fogg.yml to the current tree.
exp Experimental commands
help Help about any command
init Initialize a new repo for use with fogg
migrate Runs all possible fogg migrations
plan Run a plan
setup Setup dependencies for curent working directory
version Print the version number of fogg
-p, --cpuprofile string activate cpu profiling via pprof and write to file
--debug enable verbose output
-h, --help help for fogg
-q, --quiet do not output to console; use return code to determine success/failure
Use "fogg [command] --help" for more information about a command.