Getting started on Ubuntu

Use the following directions to quickly get started and run on Ubuntu the ExpressionMatrix2 software on a toy dataset distributed as part of the repository.

For convenience, the list below summarizes the commands to run. This assumes that you start in directory ~/ExpressionMatrix2 containing the tar file ExpressionMatrix2-0.4.0.tar:

tar -xvf ExpressionMatrix2-0.4.0.tar
cd ExpressionMatrix2-0.4.0/tests/ToyTest1
export PYTHONPATH=~/ExpressionMatrix2/ExpressionMatrix2-0.4.0/build/Release-ubuntu16-nohdf5-python2

Python 3

If you prefer to use Python 3, the same procedure will work with the following minor changes, assuming of course that Python 3 is installed on your machine.