ExpressionMatrix2 case study 1

In this case study I illustrate the functionality of ExpressionMatrix2 software on expression data from Darmanis et al., 2017, "Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Infiltrating Neoplastic Cells at the Migrating Front of Human Glioblastoma", Cell Reports 21, 1399-1410, October 31, 2017. Special thanks to the paper's authors for providing early access to their data.

This is a small data set with under 4,000 cells. The ExpressionMatrix2 software is designed to comfortably run on much larger numbers of cells (it was actually run on a data set with over 1 million cells without any downsampling), so the compute time required to run the case study is minimal, and all phases of the run can be performed interactively.

This page contains detailed information sufficient to run the ExpressionMatrix2 software on these data. It contains the following sections:

Getting started
Setting up the run
Downloading input files
The input phase of the case study
Finding pairs of similar cells
A first look at the data
Limiting the gene set used to compute cell similarity

Running this case study can serve as a useful introduction to performing a run on your own data.

Getting started

To begin, use these directions to make sure you have access to the software and an environment in which it can run. When this step is completed, your environment variable PYTHONPATH will be set to a directory containing a working version of appropriate to your platform. To run this case study you will need to use ExpressionMatrix2 release 0.3.0 or later.

Setting up the run

Make a copy of directory tests/CaseStudy1 from the ExpressionMatrix2 release you are using. To avoid possible errors or problems due to incompatibilities between releases, make sure to use the same release from which your originates. In the rest of this page, I will call this copy the CaseStudy1 directory, and assume that all commands are run from here. At this point, your CaseStudy1 directory only contains some Python scripts and a README file.

Downloading input files

The run requires the following input files, which can be downloaded from here:

When your downloading is complete, move these files to your CaseStudy1 directory. These files will be accessed with read-only access. You may want to protect them by changing their access permissions accordingly, for example using the following command:

chmod ugo-w *.csv

The expression matrix in file GBM_raw_gene_counts.csv consists of raw read counts for each gene, which are integer numbers. However, the ExpressionMatrix2 software accepts as input expression counts which are floating point numbers, for generality. This allows applying, if desired, pre-normalization steps and/or non-linear transformations of the raw read counts (for exampe, logarithmic transformations to emphasize the importance of low expression genes).

The input phase of the case study

You can begin the run using the following command:


This causes the ExpressionMatrix2 software to read the input files and create a binary representation of the expression matrix in GBM_raw_gene_counts.csv and of the cell meta data in GBM_metadata.csv. This will run quickly (under one minute), and the run time will be dominated by the time to read and parse input file GBM_raw_gene_counts.csv containing the expression matrix.

After this, the two input files will no longer be needed. Instead, all required information is stored in binary files in the data directory that was created in your CaseStudy1 directory. Additional commands to be run later will create additional binary files in the data directory that will contain various types of data structures used by the ExpressionMatrix2 software. These binary files provide fast sequential or random access to the required data structures and are quite compact. At this point the size of the data directory is about half the size of the input csv files, and is dominated by the space necessary to store the expression matrix in a compact, sparse format (file data/

Note that, if for any reason you want to restart the run, you need to remove the data directory manally before running again. This is a safety feature to prevent inadvertent data loss.

The scripts in the CaseStudy1 directory assume you are using a platform that uses Python 3. If you use Python 2, you need to use the following instead of the above command:


This also applies to all invocations of Python scripts for the rest of the case study.

See here for details of

Finding pairs of similar cells

With the expression data and cell meta data now stored in the binary formats required by the ExpressionMatrix2 software,, the next step is to find pairs of cells that have similar gene expressions, with similarities computed taking all genes into account. This is done using command

The computation is fast (only a few seconds) as it is done using Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). See here for details of

A first look at the data

At this point we are ready to take a first look at the data using the http server functionality of the ExpressionMatrix2 software.

Starting the http server

To do this, we use script to start the ExpressionMatrix2 in http server mode:
The code in is very simple. It simply creates the ExpressionMatrix object just like the script did, then invokes function explore to start the http server. When the server starts, it writes a message containing the port number on which it is listening for connections - usually port 17100. The server will continue to run until you interrupt it using Ctrl-C or by killing the process. However, most of the time it will be doing nothing - it will just be waiting for http requests from browsers.

Connecting a browser to the server

With the server running, we can use a browser to explore the data. The browser communicates with the server using the http protocol, and can run on the same machine as the server, or on a different machine, as long as the two machines can communicate over a network or via the Internet.

In the simplest mode of operations, the browser runs on the same machine as the server. Start the browser and point it to this URL:

(Make sure to change the port number from 17100 to whatever port number the server is listening on, which you found out when starting the server).

If the browser is running on a different machine, enter the same URL but replace localhost with the name or ip address of the machine where the server is running. For example, the URL could look like this:
For this to work, however, it may be necessary to change the configuration of firewall software or firmware on the server or on one of the routers in between by "opening" TCP port 17100, and preferrably the range 17100-17110 to allow some flexibility, as the server will try higher numbered ports if port 17100 is not available.

Security warning: depending on your network and firewall configuration, it may be possible for anybody with network access to the server to look at your data and manipulate them. Use appropriate security precautions to prevent unwanted access to the data. Your IT department will be able to provide security advice.

The ExpressionMatrix2 software was developed mainly using the Firefox and Chrome browsers. However most browsers will work, including browsers available on cell phones and other mobile devices.

Exploring the data in the browser

When you connect your browser to the server, the browser window will look like this:

The page summarizes the number of cells genes in the expression matrix we are looking at, and then displays the README file in the CaseStudy directory. At the top of the page are several buttons that can be clicked to explore the data set in a variety of ways. For example, you can display information about genes, cells and cell meta data. You can also create and manipulate gene sets and cell sets, which are subsets of the genes and cells in yiour expression matrix. Initially only the AllGenes and AllCells sets exists, but you are free to create additional sets in a variety of ways.

As an example of using this functionality to explore the data, click on Cell Sets and then, in the table of cell sets, click on the hyperlink for cell set AllCells. This will display a table of all the cells in this cell set (which of course includes all 3589 cells in our expression matrix), and also gives you the ability to select meta data fields to be displayed. For example, in the field Select cell metadata to display:, select Selection, Location, and (in most browsers you will need to press the Ctrl key while selecting the second and third fields). Then click on Redisplay table to obtain a table of cells including the meta data fields you selected:

You can then click on any cell to get detailed information about it:

This also includes gene expression for the cell, which can be seen by scrolling down:

As another example of using the http server functionality to explore the data, click on the Cell meta data button on the top, then under Histogram a meta data field select the AllCells cell set and select meta data name, then click on Create histogram.

We can also create a contingency table showing the combined frequency of two meta data fields. Click the Cell meta data button on the top, then under Contingency table for two meta data fields select the AllCells cell set and select meta data names and Location, then click on Create contingency table.

You can familiarize yourself with the rest of the functionality to explore the data. Most of it should be self-explanatory.

We computed above pairs of similar cells using script We can now use these pairs of similar cells to create a cell similarity graph - an undirected graph in which each vertex represents a cell, and two vertices are joined by an edge if the corresponding edges have similarity greater than a chosen similarity threshold. To avoid regions in the graph with very high connectivity, we use a k parameter that causes only the best k neighbors to be kept for each vertex (k-Nearest Neighbor or k-NN graph).

To create such a cell similarity graph (or simply cell graph) you can click on button Cell graphs at the top of the browser window. Then, you can select graph creation parameters:

You can now click on Create a new cell graph. This shows a page with a message stating the the graph had 84 isolated vertices, which were removed. This means that there were 84 cells that no other cell with similarity at least 0.5. These cells will not be present in the cell similarity graph. Clicking on Continue gets you back to the Cell graphs page, which now shows the cell graph you just created, named All. You can display the graph by clicking on its name. After a short wait to compute the graph layout using the Graphviz package, the graph is displayed:

The graph is displayed without edges for clarity and performance, but you can turn the edges on, if desired, by unchecking the Hide graph edges option and clicking on Redraw graph.

Note that the Graphviz package is used exclusively to compute the two-dimensional layout of graphs for display. This layout is not used for any other purpose, including clustering (more information on clustering follows). It is just a visual aid.

You can experiment using the pink buttons to make the graphics larger, zoom in or out to visualize specific regions of the graph, and change the display size of vertices and the thickness of edges.

You can also color the graph in a variety of ways that should be self-explanatory. This includes coloring by expression of a specific gene, coloring by similarity to a specific cell, or coloring by categorical or numerical meta data. You can also click on a vertex to display the page for the corresponding cell. This complements the coloring options to allow you to get an idea of the characteristics of cells present in different regions of the graph.

The graph shows clumps that correspond to groups of cells with similar expression vectors. In an overly simplified view of cell populations, each of these groups corresponds to a "cell type". The reality, of course, is much more complex. The ExpressionMatrix2 software provides clustering functionality which finds these clusters automatically, and I will cover this functionality below. The Darmanis paper used a commonly used clustering approach, t-SNE, to classify the cells in groups, and each cell contains two meta data fields that describe the clustering computed by t-SNE:

To see where the t-SNE clusters are located in our cell similarity graph, we can redisplay the graph, coloring each cell in the color given by its Cluster_2d_color. To do this, in the form above the graph display check the Color by meta data field button, and in the selections to the right of that button select meta data field Cluster_2d_color and ask that the field be interpreted as a color. The graph display will no look like this:

We see that the clumps in the graph display correspond roughly to the t-SNE clusters.

Limiting the gene set used to compute cell similarity

The ExpressionMatrix2 graph was constructed taking into account expression counts for all genes, which means that the similarity of two cells is defined as the regression coefficient between the expression counts of the two cells, taking all genes into account. In contrast, the Darmanis paper used only 500 genes selected based on the variability of their expression.

In the ExpressionMatrix2 software, we can use gene sets to restrict the set of genes used. Clicking on the Gene sets button at the top of the browser page leads to a page that offers a variety of ways to create a new gene set, including by pasting a set of gene names. This option could be used to define a gene set identical to the one of 500 genes used in the Darmanis paper. Another option is to use the dialog near the bottom of the page, Create a gene set using gene information content. This creates a gene set based on an information content criterion (e. g. a gene that is equally expressed in all cells has zero information content, a gene expressed only in one of N cells has information content log2N bits). We can select AllGenes as the starting gene set, AllCells as the cell set used to compute information content, request an information content of at least two bits, and name the resulting gene set HighInformationGenes. The same operation could also be performed in Python code using function createGeneSetUsingInformationContent.

The resulting gene set has 22442 genes out of the 23368 total. You can use the Gene sets page to look at the new gene set in detail. To see what genes were removed, you could create a new gene set consisting of the set difference betwene gene sets AllGenes and HighInformationGenes. You can also show the computed information content of each gene by using the dialog under Show gene information content near the bottom of the Gene sets page.

Now that we have a new gene set, we can redo the computation of the pairs of similar cells, this time taking into account only the gene set we just created. This is done by, which is very similar to, except that it requests using the gene set we just created. To run it, make sure ot first interrupt the http server (using Ctrl+C), then run command


Like, this takes just a few seconds for this small data set, after which you can restart the http server:


In the browser, click on the Cell graphs button. You will notice that cell graph All we previously created disappeared. This happens because graphs (contrary to gene sets and cell sets) are currently not persistent. In addition to recreating it, you can also create a new graph, which you can name AllHighInfo, which still uses cell set AllCells, but now uses the similar cell pairs LshHighInfo just computed by With coloring by t-SNE color as before and displayed with edges hidden, the graph looks like this:

The clumps are generally more separated. However the table shows that 1596 vertices (cells) were isolated and were removed. This means that for each of the 1596 removed cells there was no other cell with similarity greater than 0.5, the default similarity threshold used to construct the graph. This means that almost half of the cells were removed. This is not surprising, because we discarded genes that were expressed in many cells, and were therefore generally increasing the similarity between cells.

To obtain a more informative graph, we can create a new graph in the same way, but choosing a similarity threshold of 0.2 instead of 0.5. Call this new graph AllHighInfo2. Now the number of isolated cells that were removed decreases to 22.

With coloring by t-SNE color as before, the new graph looks like this:

Clearly, it can be useful to experiment with the graph creation parameters. Different choices can reveal different aspects of the data set.

The http server offers various means to investigate the details of this graph - for example, what type of cells are present in each of the clumps. To do this, you can use one or more of the following:

For example, hovering the mouse in the red region on the right of the display shows that one of the cells there is cell 2235. Clicking on it shows the page for cell 2235, which reveals that the most expressed gene is CCL3. Here is the display we get if we color the graph by similarity to cell 2235:

And here is graph colored by expression of gene CCL3:

This functionality can be used to explore gene expressions in the various "clumps" visible in the graph.


The ExpressionMatrix2 software also provides clustering functionality which can be used to automatically find clumps or clusters in a cell similarity graph. It uses the Label Propagation Algorithm to assign vertices to clusters. Additional clustering algorithms may also be added in the future.

After clusters are computed, ExpressionMatrix2 also computes similarities between the average expression vectors of each cluster, and creates a Cluster Graph in which each vertex represents a cluster, and two vertices are joined by an undirected edge if the similarity between then average expression vectors of the corresponding clusters exceeds a given threshold.

To compute the clustering, click on the Clustering button near the top of the browser window, then click on "Run clustering and create a new cluster graph". A table appears, requesting various parameters for the clustering computation. Here, specify AllHighInfo2 as the cell graph. Leave all parameters at their default values except for setting the minimum number of cells for each cluster to 50 and the similarity threshold for graph edges to 0.2 (the same value we used when creating the cell similarity graph). Use the same name AllHighInfo2 as the name of the cluster graph to be created (cell graphs and cluster graphs use different name spaces, so it's ok to use the same name). Finally, click on Run clustering. A page showing log output for the clustering appears. Here, click on Continue to get back to ther Cluster graphs page. This page will now contain a link to the newly created cluster graph AllHighInfo2. Click on that link to get a display of the cluster graph:

Here, each circle corresponds to a cluster. You can hover on the circle to find out how many cells are in each cluster, and also to see the most expressed genes in each cluster. You can also get more detailed information on a cluster, including the average gene expression in the cluster and the list of cells that belong to it, by clicking on it. Each edge in the display is labeled by the similarity between the average gene expressions of the two clusters it joins.

You can also compare the gene expression of two clusters or sets of clusters. To do this, in the page that displays the cluster graph, click on Compare gene expression between clusters. In the dialog that appears, specify a "first set" consisting of cluster 0 (the cluster displayed in green) and a "second set" consisting of cluster 3 (the cluster displayed in magenta/fuchsia color). According to the display of the cluster graph, the similarity of the average expressions of these two clusters is 0.51. Then click on Compare. You get the following display - a scatter plot of the average expression counts in the second sets versus those in the first set.

Here, each point corresponds to a gene, and you can hover on a point to get the gene name. This allows you to easily locate genes tha are over-expressed or under-expressed in one of the two clusters relative to the other. For example, the rightmost point in the display corresponds to gene CCL3, and from its position we can see that this gene is roughly 5 times more expressed in the first set (cluster 0) then in the second set (cluster 3).

You can do the same comparison for arbitrary sets of clusters, not just individual clusters.

To see how the cluster correspond to clumps in the cell graph, we can store the result of the clustering operation in a new cell meta data field. To do this, click on the button labeled Store the cluster ids in this cluster graph in cell meta data name after specifying Cluster as the name of the cell meta data to be used. Now go back to the display of cell graph AllHighInfo2, and color it using the meta data field we just created, Cluster, interpreted as a category. The display of the cell graph will now look like this:

The color in this display correspond to the colors in the display of the cluster graph, which allows you to locate each of the computed clusters in the cell graph. You can then see that the general connectivity of the cel graph is consistent with the graph connectivity of the cluster graph. For example, we see from the cell graph that the green and bright purple clusters (clusters 0 and 4) are close to each other, and in fact the cluster graph shows a similarity 0.51 between those clusters. You can also see that the the relative placement of clusters in the two graphs are similar, even though the two-dimensional layouts, which are used for display purposes only, are not necessarily consistent.

The cluster graph therefore describes in a synthethic way the clumps in the cell graph and their relative similarities. Of course, several parameters were used to construct the cell similarity graph and the cluster graph, and the actual clusters will depend on the choice of these parameters. This is to be expected, as the type and amount of desired clustering depends on what questions one wants to answer. Therefore, changing the creation parameters for the cell and cluster graphs can be used in the process of exploring and understanding the data.

Despite the above considerations, it is interesting to compare the results of this clustering with the clustering obtained via t-SNE in the Darmanis paper. To do this, click on the button labeled oCell meta data, then, under Contingency table for two meta data fields, select cell set name AllCells and meta data names Cluster (the clustering we just computed) and cluster_2d (the t-SNE clustering from the Darmanis paper). This displays a contingency table of the two clusterings - that is, a table containing the number of cells with each combination of the two clusterings.

For example, this shows that cluster 0 in our clustering (900 cells) is split into clusters 7 and 8 in the t-SNE clustering. Conversely, t-SNE cluster 8 (1329 cells) is split between clusters 0, 3, 4, 7, and 10 in our clustering. We see from our cluster graph display that, for example, the similarity between the average expressions of clusters 0 and 3 is only 0.51, so it probably makes sense to keep these are two separate clusters. For other clusters, there is more agreement between the two clustering. For example, t-SNE cluster 9 largely corresponds to our cluster 2, and t-SNE cluster 2 largely corresponds to our cluster 11. As discussed above, the relative merits of each clustering can be dependent on the type of information we are trying to extract. The ExpressionMatrix2 software allows quick exploration of clustering alternatives, by making it fast and easy to generate multiple cell similarity graphs and cluster graphs with different creation parameters.


I used this case study to illustrate most of the functionality of the ExpressionMatrix2 software currently available, but not all of it. Most notably, this case study did not illustrate the functionality to define cell sets - arbitrary subsets of cells. Once a cell set is defined, it can be used to create a cell similarity graph, which will include only cells in the set. This way you can restrict your investigation to a subset of cells of interest. This can facilitate data interpretation by reducing distractions due to cell populations unrelated to the topic of interest.